Deputy of South Kalimantan DPRD; Budget Readiness is Very Important Regarding the Appointment of PPPK - Jurnalisia™

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    Jumat, 04 November 2022

    Deputy of South Kalimantan DPRD; Budget Readiness is Very Important Regarding the Appointment of PPPK

    Vice chairman of the Parliament of South Kalimantan Province, M. Syaripuddin, SE, M.AP said the planning process and budget readiness is very important to be carried out by the South Kalimantan provincial government, considering it as a form of seriousness in efforts to organize Non-ASN in the region as well as being part of a strategic step to build more professional and prosperous ASN human resources.

    M. Syaripuddin or commonly called Bang Dhin is responding to the Central Government together with local governments who are currently making efforts to accelerate the arrangement of Non-ASN employees including by recruiting government employees with a work Agreement (PPPK).

    Based on Law No. 5 of 2014 concerning ASN, PPPK is an Indonesian citizen who meets certain requirements, who is appointed based on a work agreement for a certain period of time in order to carry out government duties.

    The problems faced by local governments in recruiting PPPK include the financial capacity of the region. This is considering that salaries and benefits for PPPK are charged to the regions.

    ”This is regulated in Presidential Regulation number 98 of 2020 concerning salaries and allowances for PPPK stating that salaries and allowances for PPPK who work in regulated regional agencies are charged to the APBD, for that readiness and budget schemes are very important to be carried out optimally,” said Bang Dhin.

    Permendagri number 84 of 2022 concerning guidelines for the preparation of the APBD for fiscal year 2023, related to the regional budget preparation policy, also mentioned that the Regional Government allocates personnel expenditure budgets for the needs of appointing ASN candidates (PNS and PPPK) in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.

    News Writer: Imi Surya Putra
    Source : PR

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